
A collection of resources that have been shared during CYOC:BB Study meetings will be posted here, organized by chapter/step, with general resources at the end of the page.

Dr.'s Opinion

"Great Special Edition on The Doctor’s Opinion - Ruth M:"

"Another great presentation on The Doctor’s Opinion - “The Doctor’s Opinion: Identify Alcoholic Foods & Create a Food Plan” - Melissa C.:

Step 3

"Something that really helped me re: this step/chapter when I was new: "

Step 10

Step 12
Marla S.'s Step 12 materials - These are divided into 2 folders - resources created by Marla S., and resources used by Marla S.

General Resources
Full list of OA Anorexic Bulimic meetings,

"Great podcast:" (Don C. on OA Footsteps !00+ pounders meeting)